Candidates selection and admission procedure

The MESD consortium applies common, transparent and objective procedures for the application, selection and admission of students. The main objective is to enrol excellent students worldwide.

The procedure takes place in four stages:

Stage 1: Initial evaluation

Each application is checked by the first reviewer in terms of eligibility criteria. If not all criteria are met, the application will receive an eliminating score of 0 and will not be considered further in the selection process. Each eligible application is independently evaluated by this first full partner university based on the established selection criteria (excellence).

Stage 2: Second evaluation

Each eligible application is evaluated by a second evaluator based on the same selection criteria (excellence). The reviewer enters the scores online in his/her individual evaluation form.

Stage 3: Cross-checking

The reviewers (1st and 2nd evaluation) compare their scores for each application. If no consensus is possible a third partner university may be consulted to review the application. After completion of the cross-check, the Head of the Candidate Selection Committee establishes the first-ranking list of eligible applicants and communicates it to all full partners.

Stage 4: Interview

The selected students are assessed in an interview (by video conference) to evaluate their motivation, skills and English level.

At the end of the selection procedure, the Candidate Selection Committee will establish several lists:

  • Non eligible (after Stage 1)
  • Selected and not selected for the interview (after Stage 3)
  • Main List and Reserve List (after Stage 4)