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What is a Membrane?

Acting as a physical and selective barrier, a membrane allows the fine separation of species according to their characteristics. Membranes are at the heart of many technologies of the future, in particular for producing drinking water, for generating and storing energy, or finally for implementing the biotechnologies of tomorrow.

Why Membrane Engineering is important?

Membrane engineering has successfully remodelled separation technologies, with huge impacts on the day-to-day life of people. Actually, most likely every person uses or comes in contact with a product processed by membrane technology on daily basis, including water, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals and energy resources. In addition, membrane applications can provide sustainable solutions for the current environmental challenges.

In the frame of European Green Deal Communication strategy, membrane engineering offers a greener approach to industrial development and an opportunity to achieve sustainable and eco-friendly processes. Membrane technology is therefore a safe and efficient separation technique that progressively replaces expensive and energy-consuming processes and prevents the use of toxic solvents in agreement with REACH regulation Membrane technology can minimize the generation of hazardous compounds in comparison with conventional processes; provide innovative solutions to the scarcity of raw materials, freshwater and energy.

Why choose MESD Master?

By preparing the future professionals to take a leading role in the research and development of future generations of membrane technologies and systems, the MESD programme will contribute to building knowledge, skills, and attitudes on climate change and support sustainable development both within the European Union and beyond.

The students of the “Membrane Engineering for Sustainable Development, MESD” Master will become the specialists in the membrane materials and processes that we will need to face the multiple upheavals (ecological, energy, economic, etc.) announced.