EMJM Scholarship Information
The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master scholarship is designed to support students with the costs of participating in the Master MESD program. It provides financial assistance covering travel, visa, accommodation, and subsistence costs, allowing students to focus on their studies without financial concerns.

EMJM Scholarship:
- Monthly stipend equal to 1,400 Euros/month to cover living expenses, calculated for the entire 24-month duration of the program.
- The scholarship supports all activities required to complete the program, including study, research, internships, and thesis preparation.
- Scholarships are available to students from all over the world. The MESD consortium is committed to maintaining geographical balance*, ensuring fair representation of students from various nationalities.
*“EMJM scholarships can be offered to students from all over the world. However, consortia should ensure geographical balance – i.e. no more than 10% of the total number of scholarships awarded during project implementation should be awarded to candidates from the same nationality (this rule does not apply to top up scholarships for targeted regions of the world, if applicable).”
- If a candidate’s previous learning experiences are recognized, the duration of their scholarship may be adjusted accordingly, but they are guaranteed a minimum duration of one academic year.
- Candidates who have previously received an EMJM scholarship are not eligible. However, they may enroll as self-paying students if selected from the main or reserve list after completing the selection process.
The MESD consortium is committed to providing equal access and opportunities for students from all backgrounds. Enrolled students, whether scholarship holders or self-paying, with disabilities (e.g., long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments) can benefit from extra financial support. This support may cover:
- Assistance from third parties
- Adaptation of the work environment
- Additional travel or transportation costs