Master 1

The year will begin with a summer school that will bring together the new cohort of students, the cohort at the beginning of the second year and the group at the end of the second year. It will also be the occasion for several workshops (Air quality and treatment, ground remediation, hydro ecology, water desalination, carbon dioxide removal and transversal skills related to life cycle analysis, risk management, sustainability, European water regulation and the trends concerning water treatment…), project defences, internship defences and joint courses for first-year students.

The track Membrane Materials, MemMAT(30 ECTS) offers a variety of courses related to materials and their characterization.

It is given jointly by UM (Semester 1) and UNIZAR (Semester 2).

The course “Introduction to nanomaterials” will be taught online by UNIZAR in the first semester. In semester 2 at UNIZAR, the students will benefit from an online course from UM “Hybrid and structured materials” and “Thermal and mechanical properties” from NOVA.

The architecture ofMembrane Chemical Engineering, MemENG(30 ECTS) is focused on chemical processes using membranes.

It is performed by the UT3 for the first semester and UCT Prague for the second semester.

The courses taught in UT3 are focalized on basic knowledge in chemical engineering and background in mathematics and the use of IT tools for calculation and modelling. In the second semester, the students will apply the knowledge acquired in the previous semester and improve their skills in project management. The external contribution for Semester 1 will be performed by NOVA with the on-line course “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”.

In semester 2, the course from UNIZAR “Valorization, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship” will be available for the students via an online platform.

The particularity of the third track,Membrane Technologies and Project management MemTECH(30 ECTS) is the acquisition of strong skills in project management balanced with an understanding of membrane materials and engineering basic knowledge.

This is a totally new track created in order to meet the needs of the job market (former students’ survey and job offers analysis see point 1.2). The balance between Membrane and Project management skills is defined as 1/3 to 2/3 for the first semester and 2/3 to 1/3 for the second semester. Semester 1 at Universidad de Zaragoza will present de courses included in the curricula of the School of Engineering and Management.

The ECTS of this track are completed by external contributions from NOVA with the online course “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”. The second semester performed at UCT Prague presents courses oriented to membrane applications and chemical engineering.